The company wide Innovation Day on May 8th and 9th was another great opportunity for both the Ritelite and Prolite teams to show customers our product ranges, new products and to carry out live demonstrations. The Innovation Day was held at our Stamford site, with customers coming from many parts of the UK to meet the teams and discover more about the products and services the company can offer. Despite unseasonably wet weather we had a great turnout and had some very successful meetings.
On display was the full Mobile lighting range – the K45 260 Mobile LED Lighting Tower up to 4.5M high as well as the Quad Pod K50 and K65 Mobile Lighting towers and Ritelite’s other portable lighting including the Pro-Link Linklite. New innovations in battery charging systems were discussed with customers as well as the new K45 Lite product. Additions to the Prolite Lamps range were able to be discussed with customers in advance of the release of the new Funky Filament’s catalogue.